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consecrated18 people should say and do. Every time she heard it, Bessie always said that the other people did not know any more about Gods religion than the male preachers who talked about it knew. Most of them belonged to no sect19 at all, while the rest were Hard-shell Baptists. Bessie hated Hardshell Baptists with the same intensity20 with which she hated the devil. There was no church building to house Bessies congregations, nor was there an organized band of communicants to support her. She went from house to house in the sand hills, mostly along the crest21 of the ridge22 where the old tobacco road was, and prayed for people who needed prayer and wanted it. She was past thirty-five, almost forty, and she was much better-looking than most women in the sand hills, except for her nose. Bessies nose had failed to develop properly. There was no bone in it, and there was no top to it. The nostrils23 were exposed, and Dude had once said that when he looked at her nose it was like looking down the end of a double-barrel shotgun. Bessie was sensitive about the appearance of it, and she tried to keep people from staring at her and commenting on what they saw. Ada had already told Bessie about the turnips Jeeter took from Lov. Bessie had come prepared to pray for Jeeter for his sins in general, but she was glad she had a specific sin to pray for him to God about. Prayer always did a man more good, she said, if there was something he was ashamed of. First of all though, she finished eating all the turnips Jeeter would let her have. "I wish Lov was here so I could ask his forgiveness," Jeeter said. "I reckon Ill have to go down to his house the first thing in the morning and tell him how powerful sorry I am. I hope he aint so mad about it that hell try to beat me with a stick. Hes got a whopping big temper when he gets good and mad about something." "Lets have a little prayer," Bessie said, swallowing the last of the turnip. "The good Lord be praised," Jeeter said. "Im sure glad you came when you did, Sister Be


工作日 8:30-12:00 14:30-21:30