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And so it had, but the speed of the turnaround producedmore irony. When the broad tape has occasion to transmit anextended news item, such as a report on a prominent man’sspeech, it customarily breaks the item up into a series of shortsections, which can then be transmitted atintervals, leaving timein the interstices for such spot news as the latest prices fromthe Exchange floor. This was what it did during the earlyafternoon of May 29th with a speech delivered to the NationalPress Club by H. Ladd Plumley, president of the United StatesChamber of Commerce, which began to be reported on theDow-Jones tape at 12:25, or at almost exactly the same timethat the same news source declared the market to have turnedstrong. As the speech came out in sections on the broad tape,it created an odd effect indeed. The tape started off by sayingthat Plumley had called for “a thoughtfulappreciationof thepresent lack of business confidence.” At this point, there wasan interruption for a few minutes’ worth of stock prices, all ofthem sharply higher. Then the tape returned to Plumley, whowas now warming to his task and blaming the stock-marketplunge on “the coincidental impact of two confidence-upsettingfactors—a dimming of profit expectations and PresidentKennedy’s quashing of the steel price increase.” Then came alonger interruption, chock-full of reassuring facts and figures. Atits conclusion, Plumley was back on the tape, hammering awayat his theme, which had now taken on overtones of “I toldyou so.” “We have had anawesomedemonstrationthat the‘right business climate’ cannot be brushed off as a MadisonAvenue cliché but is a reality much to be desired,” the broadtape quoted him as saying. So it went through the earlyafternoon; it must have been a heady time for the Dow-Jonessubscribers, who could alternatelynibble at the caviar of higherstock prices and sip the champagneof Plumley’s jabs at theKennedy administration.IT was during the last hour and a half on Tuesday that thepace of trading on the Exchange reached its mostfrantic. Theofficial count of trades recorded after three o’clock (that is, inthe last half hour) came to just over seven million shares—innormal times as they were reckoned in 1962, an unheard-offigure even for a whole day’s trading. When the closing bellsounded, a cheer again arose from the floor—this one a gooddeal more full-throated than Monday’s, because the day’s gainof 27.03 points in the Dow-Jones average meant that almostthree-quarters of Monday’s losses had been recouped; of the$20,800,000,000 that had summarily vanished on Monday,$13,500,000,000 had now reappeared. (These heart-warmingfigures weren’t available until hours after the close, butexperienced securities men arevouchsafed visceral intuitions ofsurprising statisticalaccuracy; some of them claim that atTuesday’s closing they could feel in theirgutsa Dow-Jonesgain of over twenty-five points, and there is no reason todispute their claim.) The mood was cheerful, then, but thehours were long. Because of the greater trading volume, tickersticked and lights burned even farther into the night than theyhad on Monday; the Exchange tape did not print the day’s lasttransaction until 8:15—four and three-quarters hours after ithad actually occurred. Nor did the next day, Memorial Day,turn out to be a day off for the securities business. Wise oldWall Streeters had expressed the opinion that the holiday, fallingby happy chance in the middle of the crisis and thus providingan opportunity for the cooling of overheated emotions, mayhave been the biggest factor in preventing the crisis frombecoming a disaster. What it indubitably did provide was achance for the Stock Exchange and its memberorganizations—all of whom had been directed to remain at theirbattle stations over the holiday—to begin picking up the pieces.


工作日 8:30-12:00 14:30-21:30